We have integrated a number of Website Instruments in your Online Control Panel to enable you to efficiently promote your web sites online. The sitemap generator will allow you to obtain a detailed sitemap of your web site. Furthermore, you’re able to publish that sitemap to the search engines to crawl your web site. The RSS News syndication software will allow you to make new information on your index page so you’ll get greater chances to move higher in search engine rankings. At the same time, we’ve designed a GeoIP redirection tool that will help you target your clients far more accurately based upon their geographical area.

A Sitemap Generator

Obtain a sitemap with all your webpages a click of the mouse

The easiest method to get your recently launched web site placed in the major search engines is to submit a sitemap. The sitemap displays all of the webpages on your web site and by publishing it to a search engine, you inform it that you’ll want those pages to be indexed as quickly as possible. Sitemaps are generally generated by 3rd party applications. However, with us, you don’t have to navigate from the Online Control Panel. appsulous’s custom–built Sitemap Generator is integrated into the Advanced Tools area and will set up a sitemap on your behalf in a mouse click.

What you need to do is select the highest number of web pages you prefer to be scanned, the depth of the crawled hyperlinks and also the extension of the sitemap report.

Sitemap Generator

GeoIP Redirection

Simple location–focused re–direction

We provide you with a simple tool, which will let you sort the visitors of your website according to their area. For example, using the GeoIP re–direction application, you can quickly forward all the traffic coming from Spain to the Spanish version of your web site if you’ve got such. This will help you focus on your visitors a lot more accurately and offer them with the on–site stay they anticipate.

No particular capabilities or technical comprehension are necessary to work with the GeoIP re–direction instrument, and you no longer have to use .htaccess files to complete the task.

GeoIP Redirect

RSS News

Showcase the most up–to–date news on your web site

In the appsulous Online Control Panel, we’ve integrated an instrument, which enables you to insert publications from the most well–known information sites in the world in your sites, with just a click. Our News Publication application operates automatically and won’t need any extra setup work on your part,

The RSS News Syndication unit is fully customizable in terms of HTML and CSS. You can change the total number of information items that are going to be shown, the way that they will look like, how they will be ordered, etcetera.

RSS News