• 1 hour ticket response
  • 1 hour ticket response

  • Quick support is our leading responsibility and that is the reason why we have a team of qualified customer service technicians who are eager to offer a prompt response to any question that you could possibly have. Simply open your tech support ticket from your Online Control Panel and we will reply within one hour at the latest. As a matter of fact, we strive hard and aim for a 20–minute customer support ticket response time.

  • Top quality support service
  • A First–Class Customer Service

  • Each member of our client service staff has several years of experience in the Linux shared web hosting packages industry and the majority of them have been with us for at least five years. They are all prepared to answer all your requests in the most efficient way possible.

  • Intuitive help center
  • An Easy–to–Navigate Help Center

  • Incorporated into the Online Control Panel is an easy–to–navigate Help Center section, which offers you different information sources. You can browse through a routinely updated knowledge base offering web hosting account administration articles and site management articles, check out the how–to video tutorials or examine the F.A.Q. section.