Varnish is a web app accelerator, which has been gaining a lot of popularity in recent years, as it can increase the load speed of any website, at times even by one hundred percent, based on the content itself. This tool is sometimes referred to as a caching HTTP reverse proxy as well and is used to lower the overall server load and to enhance the access speed for the site visitors. Anytime a visitor accesses a page on a particular Internet site, the browser request is taken care of by the web server and the requested data is delivered as a response. If the Varnish accelerator is activated, it caches the web pages that the visitor browses and if any of them is loaded once again, it’s fetched by Varnish and not by the web server directly. The increase in the overall performance comes from the fact that the accelerator handles the web requests significantly faster than any web server, which leads to much faster browsing speeds for the users. If any data is edited in the meantime, the cached pages will also be updated the next time someone tries to access them.

Varnish in Shared Web Hosting

We offer Varnish as an optional upgrade with each and every Linux shared web hosting package and if you want to use it, you can add it to your shared web hosting account using the Upgrades section in your Hepsia Control Panel. There’re two different things that can be upgraded – the instances and the system memory. The first one refers to the number of the sites that you wish to employ Varnish for, whereas the second, which comes in increments of 32 MB, indicates the total amount of content that the platform can cache at any particular moment. Hepsia’s simple-to-work-with GUI will allow you to discontinue or to reboot any instance, to see elaborate system logs or to clear the platform’s cache with just one click. For maximum results, you can employ a dedicated IP for the Internet sites that will use the caching platform. With Varnish, your website will open significantly faster, meaning more satisfied users and potential customers.

Varnish in Semi-dedicated Hosting

The semi-dedicated hosting offered by our company will permit you to use Varnish as soon as your brand-new semi-dedicated account has been activated, since the content caching platform is available by default. 64 MB of system memory will be assigned to Varnish the second your account is activated, so you can take advantage of this workload distribution software once your site has been taken online. If you are in need of more memory, you can add 32 megabytes at a time from the Hepsia hosting Control Panel’s Upgrades section and it will be assigned to your semi-dedicated server in a flash. You can also increase the number of the sites that employ Varnish, or the so-called ‘instances’, which are not directly tied to the amount of memory that you use, which means that you will enjoy more versatility. The caching platform will greatly lower the server load that your websites generate, so your website visitors can enjoy fast-loading pages. You will be able to manage the Varnish platform with ease from your Hepsia Control Panel using fast-access controls. You’ll be able to start/remove any of the instances that you have, to clear the cache for any of your websites or to view system log files.

Varnish in VPS Hosting

You can take advantage of Varnish with all our virtual private server packages at no extra charge, since the platform is pre-installed and is included by default. The only prerequisite is that the VPS server must come with the Hepsia Control Panel, via which you’ll be able to set up Varnish for any of your Internet sites with just a few clicks of the mouse. Each plan includes a different amount of memory for content caching purposes, but you’ll have minimum several hundred MB, which is quite enough even for multiple regularly visited Internet sites. Soon after you enable the Varnish platform, it will start caching the content that your visitors request, so you’ll notice the considerably better Internet site load times and the less load on your VPS very soon. Varnish will allow you to use a less costly virtual machine, since you won’t require that many resources to guarantee the proper operation of your Internet sites even if you’ve got resource-heavy Internet sites with multiple visitors. Best results are achieved if the websites that use Varnish also use a dedicated IP.

Varnish in Dedicated Web Hosting

If you need a more powerful website hosting solution and you get one of the dedicated web hosting that we are offering, you’ll be able to use the Varnish caching platform to improve the overall performance of your Internet sites at no extra charge as long as the dedicated machine is ordered with our next-generation Hepsia hosting Control Panel. Its easy-to-use graphical interface will allow you to keep track of system processes, to clear the cached content or to reboot any instance with one single click of the mouse. The minimal amount of system memory that Varnish can use to cache website content is 3 gigabytes, which is more than enough for an enormous collection of popular Internet sites, so your dedicated server will be able to deal with an immense load while your website visitors are having a seamless web browsing experience. Since your dedicated machine will come with several dedicated IP addresses, you will be able to make use of Varnish’s maximum capacity.